Parent Them Don't Accuse Them

Parent Them Don't Accuse Them

A young boy of about sixteen years old once asked his mom why she married his dad if she knew he didn't have a job. Instead she replied his question with a question, saying don't people change??. Her ideology of change is one that has made her live a bitter life. Now her children deal with the emotional drama that comes with it. One thing people don't understand about change is that it doesn't happen within a blink of an eye. It takes time and by the time change has taken place you may loose yourself or the ones you love. I don't see the joy in others paying for one's mistake. Mistakes are to be corrected not nurtured to being a disadvantage to others. If there's one thing I know for sure is when a person is in an environment where he/she has not adapted to there's 99.9% the person won't succeed at anything they do.

Yes single parents go through alot such as: Juggling work and childcare, dealing with guilt because they feel they haven't meet up to their expectations, handling loneliness and financial stress. At the midst of all of these problems they tend to blame their children for their mistakes. There are two major reasons, one is they've done something wrong to you and want to avoid possible confrontation. Two is that they're afraid you will talk about their abusive behaviour to people outside of the household. At the child's young age, you are able to control your children but as time passes by and ageing takes place, they won't be able to tolerate the authoritative type of parenting. Why is this so?? You have deprived them of many opportunities. Many rules restricting them from being themselves, as they mature they want to explore does privileges your dispossessed them from. Such privileges are to internalise self-discipline and responsibilities.

Always being harsh is not the way, it can control behaviour, but it won't help them learn self respect, because there's always something you find fault in them for. They may also demonstrate hyperactivity, aggression and antisocial behaviour.

According to Data And Statistics On Children's Mental Health-CDC, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is faced by over 6.0million kids, then Behavioural Problems is faced by 5.5million kids. From the figure above you could see the emotional trauma kids have to deal with every single day. Most of these defects can last still adulthood. Any single parent who treat their children like pork just because you are going through a problem that isn't their fault, be very careful the results are severe. A father once lost his daughter because he told her she's a slot just like her mother, she couldn't bear such intimidating words and she took her own life. Stop insulting and comparing you children with others because just like the sun and moon they will shine when their time comes.

My name is OJIONU BENJAMIN NKEMDIRIM and I believe in every child. I don't like to be compared.